March Meeting
Monday, March24th
7pm at the
Walla Walla Regional Airport
Contact wwcountygop@gmail.com to get involved in committees!

About the Party
The Walla Walla County Republican Party is one of 39 county Republican parties in Washington State. Walla Walla County, with a population of about 60,000, is represented by the 16th Legislative District at the state level, and the 4th and 5th Congressional Districts at the federal level.
The Central Committee, which is the governing body of the county party, is composed of one officer from each of the 63 precincts in the county. The Central Committee meets monthly to conduct the business of the party.
Our guiding mission is to elect Republicans to public office. We do this by:
Adopting a county platform every four years that reflects our local values. This serves as a template for Republican candidates and a standard that reflects our local brand of Republican.
Filling elective office vacancies per state law. State law requires county parties to participate in the process to fill vacancies in partisan offices at the county and state levels, whether caused by resignation, death or other reasons.
Starting the grassroots caucus and convention process every four years. Any Republican voter in Walla Walla County can participate in this process.
The Caucus is where attendees from each precinct elect delegates to represent them at the Republican county convention.
At the Republican County Convention, delegates adopt a county platform and elect delegates to represent Walla Walla County at the state convention.
Delegates to the Republican State Convention adopt a state Republican Party platform, elect delegates to the Republican National Convention, and elect 12 electors to the Electoral College.
Delegates elected to the Republican National Convention adopt a national platform and decide who the Republican nominee for President of the United States will be.